Thursday, October 4, 2007

Riding the BIG Yellow Bus!

Today was Trevor's second morning of riding the BIG Yellow School Bus to school. :) He didn't ride it home yesterday afternoon, he was upset, but I still like to have some communication with his teacher and see how he is doing in the class and also see what is going on in school and all that. BUT, today if he has a good day in class one of the teacher's helpers is going to call me and tell me and I can let her know if he can ride the bus or not. I'm really apprehensive of him riding the bus at all.
Nothing against our bus driver, she is a really good driver, and has been doing it for years, I had her as a bus driver when I was in school. She is strict, which is awesome. When you have that many kids in one vehicle you need to be strict and run a tight ship... or shall I say bus. LOL BUT, we were worrried about him not being in a booster-seat or even a seat belt for that matter. Although I know his bus driver is a very cautious driver and when my mom and I were discussing it, we both can never remember her having an accident ever. So that is a good thing. But, then that raises the question of why does he have to sit in a booster-seat when he is in any ohter vehicle and also why does he have to wear a seat belt too. He actually already asked me this yesterday afternoon, after his first bus ride. He is a smart cookie... so he caught on to the differences. I explained it to him the best I could and he said he understood why he had to wear his seat belt in his booster seat in the truck. : )
The other reason is because he is on the bus with pre-k through 5th graders. Now, 4th and 5th graders are a lot bigger then he is and also a lot rougher, with actions and with words. BUT the bus driver keeps the little ones in the front and the bigger/older ones in the back. So that is a good strategy. : )
I guess the main reason that Bryan and I were nervous to let him ride the bus is because he is still our baby, although 4 years old now, and a big brother to sisters that are turning 2... he is still our little boy. But, since he is really enjoying it we are going to let him try it out and, while he loves it, take advantage of it and let him go on the bus.
I feel bad because it adds a lot of time to his day... he gets picked up in the morning at about 8:10 AM or a little later... and then he doesn't get to the school until about 9:00 AM or later. School starts at 9:15 AM. We usually leave the house at about 8:30- 8:40 AM, so he looses about a 1/2 hour at home. Then in the afternoon, he gets out of school at 3:20 PM and won't get home until almost 4 PM. So, that adds another 40 mins to his already long day of school. Maybe he will sleep on the way home though who knows.
So, for now, we have a bus riding pre-schooler, who LOVES riding the bus!! : ) I have some pictures of him waiting for the bus, but none of him getting on, because we hold hands to the bus and then I walk him up the steps until he is in his seat.
I guess our little guy is getting bigger every day. :(


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