Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Cleaning Before...

Yesterday I had this surge of energy, not quite sure why. Being that I have been feeling really tired and lazy and have had little to no ambition to do anything I went with it... so these are the "Before" pictures of Lauren & Brooke's bedroom. It wasn't as bad as it looks in the pics, b/c I took all the crap from on the floor and under the beds and put it up on their beds so I could move stuff around and clean.
Come back a little later and I will show you the "After" pictures! It came out really well and all was done in time for lunch and nap!! :)
Yesterday, I also started a post of 100 things I was going to do in the day... I got really close to finishing the list... but then the internet went out here for a little while I just con't on with cleaning and chores and didn't finish my list... but I will update it and post it in a little while... so check back in for that as well. :)

Here are the pictures:


Crystal said...

I remember those days! Now I make THEM clean! The joys of the kids getting older;) I'll be back!

Casdok said...

Am impressed! :)

~ Hi. Glad you stopped by. Come on in, kick off your shoes, put your feet up relax, grab a drink and stay a while. ~