Saturday, December 20, 2008


not sure what to say... but these are just two of the weird searches people did to get to my site...

"horse taking shit"

hmmm... honestly I cannot remember talking about this... at ALL. but then again I could be wrong. I know sometimes I like to say "horse shit" so maybe I typed that, but I'm not sure. interesting though, huh?


"beautiful tampon life"

all I'm sayin' about this one... is WTH??? seriously... what the HELL is a beautiful tampon life?? wow.

okay so for those of you that came here by way of those searches... i'm not sure if I should invite ya'll to stay or not... but since you were already here and I haven't seen any residual effects of it... then come on back and read some more... just please stop searching for such weirdo shit. :)


jenn said...

Okay...I can totally see the horse shit one, I mean, we have both been known to use some "colorful" language, but the tampon one has me stumped.

Missy said...

OMG! OMG!! How do you find their searches!AGH! Thats just nasty and now I wanna see! Its kinda like a car wreck, I don't wanna look but I can't help it...yea, pray for me I need serious mental help, lol! :}

Brandy said...

I never remember to check my google thingie...I should pop over there and see how people are finding me. Oh lord...

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Those are hilarious!

Anonymous said...

i get searches for belly button fetishes and other crazy crap!!
have a great holiday!

just jamie said...

Oh Dear God. What?

Nope, I just came here the old fashioned way -- through my reader just to see what YOU are up to. No horse shit. No tampons. :)

~ Hi. Glad you stopped by. Come on in, kick off your shoes, put your feet up relax, grab a drink and stay a while. ~