Friday, March 20, 2009

First Day Of Spring...

Hi ya'll... sorry I have been seriously MIA... but there has been a LOT of chaos, drama, bullshit, lying, day time soap opera kind of shit going on around here... you would NOT believe what has been happening in these parts of the woods... NOT FUN!
Oh well... in light of it being the FIRST DAY OF SPRING and the sun shining bright, although it is cold as heck here *but shhhhh don't tell, b/c from inside you can't tell it is cold out... but b/c it is that time of year to do some Spring Cleaning, I'm starting with my life... although my house does need it too... but I'm cleaning up my act, my life, my drama-filled bs, and all that... so I'm making my blog private...
I would LOVE for you all to follow if you'd like... you can email me at jbrown31 (at) hvc (dot) rr (dot) com and I will gladly add you to my list... please just put in the subject line... add to blog or something so I will know what it's for and not just delete the email b/c I don't recognize the name. :)
I'm off to do some errands and all that fun stuff... Happy Friday and Happy FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!


jenn said...

OMG...what the hell happened?????

I missed you like crazy, and was about to send out a search party! I am finally feeling like myself today, and was about to email you when I saw your comments on my blog.

Do you need me to email you, or am I an automatic add? :)

Missy said...

me too me too don't forget me!

I have been checking other things and didn't hear from you so I was worried too!

Glad to hear your breathing but am wondering what the hecks going on!

Much peace and love to ya!

Angie's Spot said...

Hang in there! I sent you an email, so I hope you'll keep me around despite the fact that I'm a horrible commenter. :-)

Jennifer said...

Missed ya. Would love to follow your new blog. Hugs.

Brandy said...

Sign me up! I hope whatever it is blows over cause the last thing you need is drama.

Momisodes said...

OMG! I've missed you!!!

Please. please please place me on the list for your blog. I hope everyone and everything is alright. I'm here if you ever need to vent. *hugs*

Aubrey said...

Oh no! First of all, I'm glad to see you back. If even just for a moment! I will be emailing you! I hope things are getting better!

Lauro said...

hey i have been reading your blog a little and you seem like a fun person. i would love to be added to your blog. my page name is laurie lauro. hope to be reading with you.

~ Hi. Glad you stopped by. Come on in, kick off your shoes, put your feet up relax, grab a drink and stay a while. ~