Wednesday, March 4, 2009

what you get

What you get when you mix all the stuff in the below post together is...

a throat infection
an ear infection
and a stomach virus


Lauren and Brooke are on antibiotics for the throat and ear infections and Trevor just has to try to stay hydrated while having diarrhea and vomiting. He has kept NOTHING down. Ugh!

I just hope and pray that they are all healthy and stay healthy SOON!

Lauren is sleeping on the couch and Brooke and Trevor are probably fighting... being sick hasn't helped them to leave one another alone... it's making me NUTS!!

Thank you all for your well wishes, I hope they kick in soon!! :)


jenn said...

Poor babies!!!!Poor mommy!!!!

Sending get well wishes, chicken soup, lysol, and hugs your way!!!!

Missy said...

Thinking of you today!!

jenn said...

Thinking of you, sunshine!

Missy said...

Hey Jennifer!!! Got you a gift on my blog stop by! I hope you are having a great day ! Take care and know I am thinking of ya'll and wishing ya'll the best!!!



jenn said...

Just checking in...again...hope you're happy!!!!

Donna said...

Good Lord Sweetie!! You've Had it Rough!! Hang in there and hope you're back soon!hughugs

just jamie said...

Oh man. Haven't been by in awhile. Sorry THIS is where you are. Get better ya'll!

~ Hi. Glad you stopped by. Come on in, kick off your shoes, put your feet up relax, grab a drink and stay a while. ~