Thursday, April 16, 2009

2 posts in 1 week...

oh man. what in the world is happening?? lol
anyway... Missy gave me a really cute flip-flop key chain that is ORANGE!! and also is a mirror on the back... I love it. :)

I'm sitting here by the computer hoping to gain some motivation and or ambition to do some house work. I have done NO house work at my own home today! It's a mess. A HUGE mess! I'm tired and COLD! It's 62 degrees out today... and that my friends, is VERY warm for here in NY... where we have been having weather temps in the 40's and sometimes 50's. Yes, we are loosers. lol

I'm not sure why I'm so tired and cold and have ZERO energy and ambition to do anything, but that's how it has been for the last few days. :( Maybe I'm just blah. maybe I'm getting sick. I hope not. :(

Bryan is out on his ROAD BIKE!! I have to post pics of it on here... this bike we actually took some pictures of... for some reason the first road bike he had we never took any pictures of... it's like it was all just a dream~ well at least for him. For me, I worry. I worry a little bit about how he drives, and if he fools around and tries to be a show off ~ but I mostly worry about other drivers on the road... in cars, trucks, SUV's, big rigs, all those things. People don't know how to give someone on a bike some extra room, and they just drive like jerks around here anyway... but I just have to hope and pray he stays safe and has a good time while doing it.

I guess I have done a fair job of procrastinating and I NEED to get up and do something... so I'm off to take care of some laundry and pick up 5 things in each room in our house... then go back around again and pick up 5 more things... so on and so forth. We'll see how I make out.



jenn said...

Only five things at a time???? If I did that, it would take me years to get this place clean! lol!

Missy said...

Look at the key chain and think of warmer weather!!!

I am procrastinating sooo bad I have one full day of school tomorrow then we drive to Charlotte, NC from Clemson and then 2 review days left for school and then its over!!!

In the meantime I have to pack up the apt. because we are letting the apt go and then Sams graduation and I tell ya. I haven't done anything and I am so freakin' tired I could shoot somebody.....ok,, now let me say before any news outlets get the event in the next few days, two weeks, or six months I shoot someone, its all accidental- not premeditated.

Ok, I have to go to bed.

Much love and hugs to ya!
I hope you have a great Friday full of happy kids and a very pleasing husband!


~ Hi. Glad you stopped by. Come on in, kick off your shoes, put your feet up relax, grab a drink and stay a while. ~