Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ants in the pants

i'm here. feeling antsy today.
not sure why. have a ton of stuff i could and should be doing. but not really in the mood to start.
had a busy and very full weekend. maybe i'm feeling the hang over from all that.
Bryan's brother, Jason, his girlfriend Kristin and their daughter Sabryna were here visiting from FL and we had a party for them on Friday night. It was nice. We did a bunch more work downstairs before Friday... which needed to get done anyway... so it was a good excuse to work on it all.
I also sanded the doors up stairs... the bathroom, hall closet, girls' and Trevor's doors so that we can paint them white. They were really rough because they and this heavy wall paper on them, and when we took that off bc it was HIDEOUS the glue was really abrasive... it took a while to sand them down but I got all of them done in one afternoon, they are back up for now, but i will take them down and paint them soon!! I think it will give a whole fresh look to the up stairs to have them painted fresh WHITE!! :)
anyway... back on track... the party was GREAT! I think that Jason and Kristin had a good time too. They didn't bring Sabryna, which the kids were really looking forward to, but they did bring her back on Sunday for a visit and we saw they last night for one last time before they go home today. :(
Saturday we just hung out and then went over to my parents house...first just Lauren and I went... then Bryan came over a few hours later with Brooke and Trevor, it was nice for me to have some time one on one with Lauren... and I think they all really need some one on one time... the other night... I guess it was Thursday night... or maybe Wednesday... I took just Brooke when I went to Wal-Mart to grab some groceries... she was a perfect little angel. I think they really enjoy just getting some time by themselves... like most people. And I know that I enjoy a break sometimes, so I can imagine they feel the same... I mean they are all always together too. We all hung out there for a while, then Trevor and Bryan got some time without any of us girls... they went home and hopped on their bikes and went for a LONG bike ride. :) Trevor is always asking to go for a bike ride... he loves to ride. When we all go... Bryan and Trev ride their bikes and the girls and I walk... well the girls walk and ride... I bring the stroller so I don't end up having to carry them ~ so although it's nice family time together... the boys are always waiting for us and we also don't go as far as they can go by themselves.
So it seems like we have all been getting time together... one on one. :) Soon Bryan and I will be having some time together without the kids... our cruise is in 88 days!! woo hoo!! AND our passports came today!! I'm so excited!!
Then on Sunday Bryan's dad's side of the family was having a party at a park near us... so we did that... it was nice they kids played... they have a playground there, and then we took them to the lake, and they got to swim... which they LOVED!! and then we hung out some more, and then on our way home stopped at my parents house so the girls could ride their NEW BIKES!!
We took all our change in and got the girls two wheel bikes... they needed new bikes, theirs are trashed and they were ready for bigger bikes anyway... they could have even gone a little bigger than what we got them bc they rode that size at my brothers house, and did GREAT... but we got ones that are perfect for now bc we think they will be a lot safer and have more fun on them... plus they might last them through next Summer too, but will definitely work for this summer, and right now, that is all that matters! :) Trevor got a new helmet... he will be the next one to get a new bike... we just have to refresh our funds some first.
Then last night we went to Bryan's mom's house to see his brother and family again they are leaving today. :( It was a nice time hanging out... all the kids got a long well. And we had a cook out... always good when there is food. I just wish I knew we were cooking out I would have brought something... I felt horrible to come empty handed. Oh well, I guess there is always next time.
I'd love to be able to load the truck up with some toys that we wanted to give to Sabryna but wouldn't fit in their car, and of course the kids and stuff and drive down to FL for a long weekend... or LONGER... but we can't really afford the gas to drive down and our truck needs some work before we can take it that far... new tires, front end alignment, oil change and new brakes... so maybe one of these days. we'll see.
well i guess i should get off the computer and get my butt in gear... today I'm cleaning and organizing the playroom... which is a DISASTER!! wow. I am going to sort stuff that we will get rid of, give away, possibly sell, and stuff the can go in the camper... then clean the rest... then i'm hoping to get to do a thorough cleaning in the kitchen and then straighten up and freshen up the living room, bathroom and kids rooms, bc they aren't too bad since I spent all last week cleaning them... so we'll see... maybe I will actually get to accomplish all that... or maybe not... or maybe I'll do all that and more... we'll see.
I also have a million and six pictures I want to get on my other blog... but my computer is really bogged down with memory and all that so I can't put them on there until I get something done with the others that are already there... UGH!!
well anyway... adios!


jenn said...

You know that if you drive to Florida, you are making a pit stop in SC, right?

Sounds like you had a good time the last week or so. It's nice when family gets along.

My kids love one on one time, too.

Unknown said...

I love it when you post - when you comment - when you're just 'out here'. I've missed you.

Jennifer said...

Wanted to say hi-- sounds like you've been super busy, chickie. Have a great weekend! =)

Missy said...

Yay for family fun time!

This Guy said...

WOW! Sounds like you really DID have a busy weekend!! I Love painting, whenever I'm bored I paint a room, or something cool. I think its relaxing, and REALLY changes things up nicely!! You should post some awesome picture of your room painting and renovation efforts!! Maybe once you get those ants outta your pants, and have a break from all those parties!! heheh

~ Hi. Glad you stopped by. Come on in, kick off your shoes, put your feet up relax, grab a drink and stay a while. ~