Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Looky what I found...

I found someone new... a Poor Broad With FOUR Daughters! I found her from Allie Bears page... I'm trying to find some new blogs to add to my ever growing, but hasn't grown in a while blog roll. This is just the first one that I found today... I'll be trying to find one new one each day to add. I really love Stephanie's blog and how she writes about her life with four daughters, being an Army wife and running a household and keeping her family together. :)

You really should go check it out when you have some time... you should also check out Allie's wild weekend at the rodeo if haven't read her blog before. She is another great writer and very funny. She has two children and is an Army wife as well. Good stuff over there! :) Guarantee you'll enjoy it.

I think this should be the new meme thing... instead of posting things on your own blog about yourself, you can go to someone else's blog read about them, their interests and life and then leave them some comments and let them know something about you. Then you can link the blog that you read all the time and also the new blog that you got from that one to yours and maybe give people some more exposure. :)

Just a little thought. Plus it might all help us get through our bloggin' 365!! :)


Stephanie said...

Thanks! I enjoyed the hour or more I spent reading up on your life and I will be back. I added you to my blog roll as well.

Jennifer said...

stephanie ~ no problem. I really enjoyed reading about your life and your 4 beautiful girls and your husband. :) i look forward to making you part of my daily blog stuff. :)
hugs, jenn

Momisodes said...

You're awesome! Just awesome :) Thanks so much for the heads up on these wonderful bloggers. What a great idea for the meme thing ;)

Hope you had a great Wednesday!

~ Hi. Glad you stopped by. Come on in, kick off your shoes, put your feet up relax, grab a drink and stay a while. ~