Thursday, October 16, 2008

You've got to be shitting me...

~ I just commented on Dysfunctional Mom's blog about this the other day! AND now I have no voice either!! DAMMIT!
Maybe it was power of suggestion to my body or something, because I had commented to Dysfunctional Mom that I knew where she was coming from with loosing her voice because every year, and a few times at that, I loose my voice. AND then you know what happened... I LOST MY VOICE!! ugh. It started to go yesterday but it wasn't too bad, just a little bit of "breaking" here and there, and then I went to bed last night with most of my voice... I'd say about 85% of it... and woke up this morning with about 2% of it. arrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggg!!
This is so frustrating to me!! For many reasons! ONE ~ I'm a talker. I love to talk and do a LOT of it. TWO ~ I'm a yeller... this is good for my kids... because in all honesty I do yell WAY too much at them... so maybe this is a break for them or a lesson for me. (MAYBE) THREE ~ I have phone calls to make to the insurance company today and I also wanted to call about switching over all utilities... BUT I will not be doing that today. I am going to try to be as good as possible about NOT talking unless I NEED to to.
Being with the girls all day will be hard to not talk... we usually have conversations all day long. BUT at least they have one other to talk to and I can sort of whisper to them. AND they won't have me yapping and yelling at them today. ;)
This morning when Brooke was talking to me, I answered her in a whisper, so then she started to whisper too. LOL
Well I guess I'm going to just rest my voice as much as possible... and maybe see if I can find some honey and make a cup of hot tea with honey... I'm not sure I can bring myself to gargle with warm salt water, but I might try it once... I hope I don't puke.
So that is all for now. Although, I might be back, this is rather comforting to be able to express myself with out any strain. :)


Anonymous said...

That sucks, jenn. I hope you are back to yelling at your kids in no time! :) (I'm a yeller, too. That's what works for us)

CrystalChick said...

Sometimes you just have to give yourself time to heal... enjoy the quiet.
Or try 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in half glass of water every hour all day.
Hot teas are good too, especially ginger tea with honey. Make your own with fresh peeled ginger root.

Feel better!

Unknown said...

Put a little lemon in that tea and honey. And a little Brandy or Rum if you have it. Just a little, mind you.

Stephanie said...

That sucks. I hate when I can't talk on the phone, it kills me.

Cute that Brooke whispered too. :P

junglemama said...

I've never lost my voice, but if I did I would be looking everywhere! Hope you find it!

Momisodes said...

Aww, I'm sorry. I'm sure that must be incredibly frustrating. Definitely take it easy on the vocals, rest up and have some warm tea.

jenn said...

Just checking in...hope you're feeling better!
Love ya!

~ Hi. Glad you stopped by. Come on in, kick off your shoes, put your feet up relax, grab a drink and stay a while. ~