Friday, February 27, 2009

Finally Friday...

it's finally Friday and I have had one interesting week... full of lots of stuff and running around... and today is NO different...

It started off with our well pump taking a poop... then we got that fixed and then there was a valve that had to be fixed in order for our pump to shut off and not continuously run and make our electric bill out of sight...

Then Trevor and Brooke started getting sick... and got sicker and then went to the doctors... it's viral, and they are doing okay... as long as I keep them on Motrin or Tylenol... and the fever doesn't spike they are good...

Then Lauren woke up this morning, after coughing her brains out all night long and threw up all over the couch, where I just happened to be sleeping...

And... I was sleeping on the couch because last night, well four this morning actually Trevor came in our room saying he had a bad dream and couldn't sleep... he was also burning up and coughing non stop... so I got him some Motrin and a drink of water... thankfully that helped with the fever and the water helped with the coughing... he was good to go. Since I can't sleep in a bed with both Bryan and Trevor (Trevor is a complete BED HOG) I went to lay on the couch... I have NOT slept well at all this week... I was beat.

Of course I lay down and because I really really REALLY want to fall asleep and get rest that I really need... I cannot fall asleep... I lay there with my eyes closed... thinking and thinking and thinking some more... my mind is flooded with thought after thought... it is unreal... I'm so annoyed with everything and myself... I just want to go to sleep... since I think that I'm trying too hard to fall asleep and that is what is happening... I then just try to think about happy thoughts... and it worked... because last thing I knew... I was thinking about our vacation and then I hear Lauren saying "Mommy" as she vomited this morning...

So thank goodness it is finally Friday... it took all week to get here!!

I have a lot to do today... cleaning, cooking, making a cake, grocery shopping, going to the post office, and going to Zumba... I cannot wait... it will feel really good to get all these things checked off my to do list all in one day... but I better get started or it won't happen.

peace out girlscout!


jenn said...

I'm glad it's friday, too. I hope next week is five million times better for you than this one!

Missy said...

I second that!!!

jenn said...

I gave you an award on my craft blog!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I'm exhausted just reading this! I hope the kids feel better soon.
Take care! xoxo

AndreaLeigh said...

i agree, TGIF! I'm sorry the kiddos are sick again. girl you have got so much going on. it makes me tired to read it!

Unknown said...

"peace out girlscout"? I'm sorry darlin', but you won't see them making cookies out of ME!!

Are you okay? Just checkin'.

Nina said...

I sure hope this week has been going better and the kids are feeling better. My youngest ends up in our bed a lot and he is such a wiggle worm that no one gets any rest. I might have to try the couch sometime.

~ Hi. Glad you stopped by. Come on in, kick off your shoes, put your feet up relax, grab a drink and stay a while. ~