Wednesday, November 14, 2007

And the race is on...

I'm only typing a few lines here because I have to get a move on. I have to be in Rock Hill in about 1 hr 15 mins. And, I have to get all three kids feed, cleaned up, possible baths all around and then dressed, out the door, in the truck, on the road, pick up my dad ~ who will help me at the doctors with Lauren & Brooke ~ and to the doctors for Trevor.
They are all eating now, and in a few minutes I'm going to go pick out everyone's clothes and then start getting them dressed or if time will allow give them all a quick wash down. I hate taking them any where, especially the doctors without a bath. My kids all have a bath/shower almost everyday. I know I like to bath everyday it makes you feel so good that I want them to feel good too. Plus they are all pretty mess, being that they are only 4 & 2 so they need regular baths.
I'm rambling and I really have to go get things ready. I'll be back later.


~ Hi. Glad you stopped by. Come on in, kick off your shoes, put your feet up relax, grab a drink and stay a while. ~